Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Prince Charming

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Joe's home town (Enid, OK) with him to spend some time with him and his family. While we were there, we went "frog hunting" as I like to call it, and caught 15-20 frogs. It was so much fun :) We ended up keeping one and taking it back to Stillwater with us, only to let it go later on. But while we had him I named him Prince (short for Prince Charming). The pictures below are of some of the frogs we caught, Joe's cat Spot, and some random pictures I took of the sky a few days ago. Enjoy!

In Christ,
Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


For Father's Day, my daddy drove up to Stillwater for the weekend and we went golfing together! The last time I went golfing I was probably 10 years old, but my father, Everett Sugg, is a great golfer (although he wont admit it). He took me out and "re-taught" me the ropes. I didn't do as bad as I expected myself to do... but I still didn't do that great. I think I lost at least 5 or 6 golf balls in a pond, creek, who knows where, and so on. But I ended up having a great time and I want to go back again soon to try again!

Daddy - I hope you had as much as I did during our golf adventure. My favorite quote of the day was from you: "Amy! We came out here to play golf! NOT to take pictures of everything!" Ba haha. Sorry, daddy! But in all seriousness, I enjoyed our weekend together a lot! This was our first weekend to kind of chill and just hang out and not move or run from place to place! I enjoyed our time together! I know everybody says this about their dads, but I really do have the best dad ever! I am very lucky and blessed! Thank you for being such a great role model figure to me and for supporting me, loving me, encouraging me, helping me, guiding me, and so much more! I appreciate it all so much! Happy Father's Day! I love you, TIAB!!! xoxo

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Monday, June 28, 2010

"This Was The Lord's Doing; It Is Marvelous In Our Eyes." - Psalms 118:23

This is my beautiful friend, Jessica Todd, and her husband, Bryan Todd. I was fortunate enough to have the privilege to shoot their engagement pictures. They are such an amazing couple that others can definitely look up to when it comes to love. They both have a heart that is on fire for God and for each other. Jessica and Bryan - Thank you SO much for letting me be a part of this special time in your life. I pray for a long life full of happiness, love, and blessings for the both of you in your marriage. Congratulations!
Married June 18th, 2010