About Me

Hello! My name is Amy Nixon. I just recently got married to this amazing guy named Joe Nixon... which explains why my legal last name does not match my photography last name. Don't worry though... I'm working on getting all of that changed! I also recently graduated from Oklahoma State University with a degree in Human Development and Family Science and with an option in Early Childhood Education. I am currently a Pre-K teacher around the Stillwater area and absolutely love my job along with those precious PreKinders. Besides working with children, photography is my passion. I love doing it and my life-long goal is to travel the world while taking pictures of everywhere I go. Aside from my photography, I enjoy worshipping my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and spending time with my amazing friends and my wonderful family. I also enjoy being outdoors, antique shopping, cooking, making crafts, dancing, good music, and living each day to its fullest while enjoying all of the beautiful blessings God has provided around me. As far as my photography goes, I shoot anything from senior portraits to weddings. So please take a minute to look around my blog and check out some of the work I have done. If you need a photographer for anything, or know someone who does, please contact me and I would LOVE to help out! I can be contacted at:

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and to check out my blog! If you could spread the word about my photography I would REALLY appreciate it :) God Bless!

In Christ,
Jeremiah 29:11